As the battle against COVID-19 continues, you’ve probably spent more time at home than ever before. With all the extra time on your hands, you may find yourself snacking more than often. To prevent a dental emergency, though, it’s important that you monitor what you’re eating. As you continue reading, an emergency dentist in Mount Vernon lists some foods that you should either limit your consumption of or avoid all together.
(more…)Cross Creek Dental Care Blog
Avoid a Dental Emergency by Being Careful with These Foods
April 2, 2020
How to Maintain Your Dental Health During the COVID-19 Crisis
March 27, 2020
If you’re diligent about visiting your dentist in Mount Vernon for semi-annual checkups and cleanings, then the current federal and state requirements that dentists are to only provide essential dental care, has interrupted your normal way of life. Until the COVID-19 virus is brought under control and you can restart your regular visits, there are some steps you can take to protect your teeth and gums. Continue reading to get the information you need!
(more…)Office Update Regarding COVID-19
March 25, 2020
In our efforts to keep you updated and informed on how we are trying to keep you dentally healthy, we will be posting to our website and Facebook pages several times each week. We are open to serve our patients and our community’s urgent dental needs during this time. Do not hesitate to call, text, email, and/or message us. We are also available for teledentistry services by sending photos and description to the number below so that we can decide the best course of action. We are following all necessary disinfecting, sterilization, PPE guidelines and recommendations in order to continue providing the quality of care that our patients know and expect.
(more…)Corona virus tips for you and your family
March 12, 2020
The coronavirus, has become a very serious concern in the community. We want our patients to know that we do not take these risks lightly and that we are taking every precaution we can to help keep you safe. To that end, we have put together some information outlined by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) to help you keep yourselves and your homes healthy and to keep our office your worry-free retreat.
First and foremost, if you are experiencing any symptoms of concern: fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc., please contact your primary care physician.
(more…)Can Your Dental Care Have an Effect on Your Heart Health?
February 5, 2020
Medical professionals are coming to the realization that the different parts of the body have a greater impact on each other than previously thought. Thus, it makes perfect sense for the condition of your oral health to have an effect on your overall wellness. As you continue reading, you’ll learn about the specific connection between your dental and heart health, and your dentist in Mount Vernon will explain what you can do to enhance your total wellness!
(more…)Healthy Snack Ideas to Protect Your Teeth and Gums!
January 20, 2020
When you eat, the debris left behind can have a negative impact on your oral health. The types of foods you consume can also affect your teeth and gums. Since you can’t just stop eating all together, the next best thing is to pay attention to what you’re consuming. As you read further, your dentist in Mount Vernon lists some foods that are conducive to maintaining excellent oral health.
(more…)5 Dental Myths Debunked by Your Dentist in Mount Vernon
December 10, 2019
One of the advantages of living in the digital era is that there is limitless information available online. The downside, though, is there are falsehoods misrepresented as factual. It can be tough sifting through the maze of data to determine what is actually useful, especially when it comes to dental care. Thankfully, your dentist in Mount Vernon weighs in to shed some light on the matter. Read on as 5 common dental myths are debunked!